A greatly under-appreciated component of every successful field application is the on-going support of installed systems. Oftentimes, the ingrained assumption is that if there is a problem with a system, we’ll hear about it. Even if that were true, relying strictly on a 911 or emergency response team to implement repairs as needed results in excessive transportation and emergency service costs along with unwarranted and costly down time for the system.
The truth, however, is that when left isolated and alone following an installation without a planned follow up or preventative maintenance program, any system can fall into disrepair and disuse. Changes in the site could render the system inaccessible. Vandals can create an uninviting experience. Unreported system failures produce longer-than-expected outages. ATMs, self-service Kiosks, and interactive Digital Signs are only effective when they are working. The ARS Services preventative maintenance program assures each system will perform at its maximum potential not only through systematically cleaning and repair, but also by ARS’ continual on-site evaluation and effectiveness surveys. Preventative Maintenance is not an added luxury – it’s an insurance policy that will maximize profits.
Route Planning
The ARS unique route-planning and managed scheduling program insures our customers receive the most affordable and reliable pm program available. Service routes are designed each week to cost-effectively deliver reliable and routine maintenance to every location in the country. ARS customers take advantage of the benefits of being grouped with other pm activities to insure that all of their locations are serviced equally.
Case Studies
1. Retail Customer A – over 7,000 nationwide locations. Task: Provide regularly scheduled PM services to nearly 1000 stores each month, incorporating the latest technologies in dispatching and GPS tracking.
2. Retail Customer B – 1,000 nationwide locations. Task: To provide six preventative maintenance service calls per year plus 48-hour response time for any equipment failure situation.
3. Manufacturing Customer C – 10,000+ retail locations nationwide. Task: Provide technical support as needed with a recent request to support 110 Connecticut locations with monthly service.
4. Manufacturing Customer D – nearly 2,000 retail locations nationwide. Task: Provide hot-swap services and reinstall services on an as-needed, on-call basis.
5. Manufacturing Customer E – 10,000+ retail and commercial locations in U.S. and Canada. Task: Provide hot-swap services and reinstall services on an as-needed, on-call, 48- hour response time basis.